Prague production: the market for everything that sprouts, grows and emerges in Prague

Unusual markets offering products made only in Prague. The aim of the project is to show the public what is being produced in Prague and that even a big city still has the capacity to be self-sufficient in food growing and production, and at the same time to highlight local food producers and give them the opportunity to present their story.


Basic information

The following producers and growers will be represented at the market:

  • Garage 22, a Prague-based artisanal distillery whose main focus is the production of premium GIN22 gins.
  • Forest Bit, who produce and operate hydroponic farms and combined solar power plants right in the heart of the city. They grow vegetables and herbs and produce honey and electricity.
  • Metrofarm, a project that is primarily involved in urban and suburban community gardening and farming.
  • Prague Microgreens, who grow microgreens in their vertical farm.
  • Green Decor, a flower farm where they care about the environment and produce domestic flowers.
  • Dorukymls, a vegan sweet shop where you'll find goodies made from nuts, seeds, flakes and fruit.
  • Hanys oils, premium quality natural oils.
  • Artisan Bakery Dvorník, where they bake pastries from natural, chemical-free ingredients.
  • Oh Deer Bakery and their cronuts.
  • Chabrybarna, a family-run business that raises fish and has its own bistro.
  • Baues chilli oil, a small producer of the unique and much loved Sichuan chilli oil and other flavourings.
  • You can also enjoy a brewery, homemade jams and puddings and many other goodies.

The musical part of the event will feature a performance by the Prague band Jiný Metro and musician Michal Strnad.

In the accompanying educational part, there will be several lectures, for example on how to compost in the city, grow vegetables on Prague rooftop, or where to find orchards in Prague.

The event is free of charge.

Our Venue


Prague Market, Prague 7 - Holešovice


15.09 14:00-15.09.2022 19:00

